Friday, November 28, 2008


Candid207 + on-did

swensen's earthquake

this is what happens when you got too HIGH~

ru guo you yi tian by fish leong

i have successfully persuaded a few people to read Rich Dad Poor Dad! hah! trust me, it will be totally useful whether or not you have any financial knowledge. 'There is a difference between poor and broke. Broke is temporary, poor is eternal.' Now i find some interest of drowning myself in self-motivational books.

ah~ i can imagine how people fall in love, how they keep re-playing those sweet moments they had with their crush, and how crazy their response and how insane they become, ~.~ haha. actually not only i imagine that, i saw them with my own eyes! =D

are we becoming more ignorant too as we grow up? i always wonder why are adults so cold-hearted and even though their heart ache so much, they just can't afford to be honest towards their own feelings? what's with this hide-and seek games? don't they find it frustrating, don't they always complain that they have had enough stress?

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