Sunday, May 31, 2009

new home lovely

my new home, my lovely home.. =D

i am so having my own house finally after 5 years! this morning was especially draining my energy out because of all the packings.. but i love it!

my own kitchen,
my own living room,
this amazing digital box invention, i don't have to feel uneasy when every time i feel like watching TV i have to share with my landlord..
alot more things, i just don't feel like describing it anymore, im over over excited!

i'll get more update of it, once i settle down

a la prochaine~

i don't know why, i can't take my heart off you

Saturday, May 23, 2009

what a day

it was a stupid morning, idiot me and pitiful laptop. =S
i thought my early wake up could be used as an opportunity to talk to my landlord about the moving out matters. aih~ i was unusually long in the bathroom this morning.

and then, the next thing is just so embarrassing but i have to tell, so that nobody is gonna create the same carelessness again.

so, the story goes . . .
ahemp~ i was tying up my shoelace in the neighbour's doorstep (i have nowhere to sit and tie) as usual, with bag in my lap and my notebook on the side, going to go library for projects.

i felt so fresh this morning, stood up and headed to the lift, went down, crossing the road taking 69 to TP east gate before changing to 23 to Bugis. all the while, i didn't even realise that my laptop wasn't with me! i was panicked when i stared at passers checking for bus route, i realised i just left my laptop in someone else's doorstep!

rushed back and found my lappy there, i was so relieved. poor poor notebook, i think it's already knocked hard more than twice! luckily, you are one tough thing.

so that's the end for my day. lol.

would those days come again?

Friday, May 22, 2009

humor kentut

Ini liputan khusus seputar bahasa kentut, silakan dibaca untuk hiburan. Kredit utk Becker dari Facebook. Kocak ngga tanggung2!

Kentut adalah kegiatan dimana mahkluk hidup mengeluarkan gas buangan dari lubang yang berada di bawah belakang (anus), seperti sebuah knalpot kendaraan. Namun gas buangan ini tidak terlalu jelas terlihat, kecuali sedang berada dalam air. Gelembung-gelembung udara akan tampak di belakang orang yang sedang kentut.

Kentut, sama seperti bau mulut: hanya bau akibat containernya. Oleh karena itu sering-seringlah gosok gigi agar tidak bau mulut. Namun jangan gosok anus dengan sikat gigi, karena selain jorok, hal itu sangat tidak higenis. Apalagi sikat gigi tersebut dipakai untuk menggosok gigi juga.

Kegiatan ini sangatlah merugikan karena mencemari lingkungan sekitar dengan polusi udara atau suara, namun belum ditemukan cara untuk mencegahnya sampai saat ini.
Tahukah para juragan bahwa watak kita bisa dilihat dari kentut? Niiih...

1. Orang Tidak Jujur - Setelah kentut menyalahkan orang lain.
2. Orang Goblok - Menahan kentut berjam-jam.
3. Orang Berwawasan Luas - Orang yg tahu kapan harus kentut.
4. Orang Sengsara - Orang yg ingin kentut tapi tidak bisa.
5. Orang Misterius - Orang yg kentutnya tidak diketahui oleh orang lain.
6. Orang yg Pede - Orang yg mengira kentutnya sendiri wangi.
7. Orang Sadis - Orang yg mengibas-ngibaskan kentutnya sendiri kepada orang lain.
8. Orang Pemalu - Orang yg kentutnya tidak bunyi tapi merasa malu.
9. Orang yg Memiliki Strategi - Setelah mengelabui orang setelah kentut, tertawa terbahak-bahak.
10. Orang Bodoh - Menghirup kentutnya sendiri untuk menggantikan angin yg keluar.
11. Orang Centil - Orang yg bangga dengan kentutnya sendiri, hingga dilepasnya sedikit2.
12. Orang Sombong - Orang yg gemar mencium kentutnya sendiri.
13. Orang Ramah - Orang yg senang mencium kentut orang lain.
14. Orang Akuatik - Orang yg suka melepas kentut di kolam air.
15. Orang Atletis - Orang yg kentut sambil melotot.
16. Orang Jujur - Orang yg mengaku setelah kentut.
17. Orang Pintar - Orang yg ingat bau kentutnya tetangga.
18. Orang Boros - Orang yg setiap kentut, selalu terbawa keluar ampas-ampasnya.
19. Orang Sok Bersih - Orang yang kalau kentut celana dilepas dulu.
20. Orang Sosial - Orang yang selalu kipas-kipas setiap selesai kentut.
21. Orang Banyak Akalnya - Orang yang kalau kentut sambil berteriak, agar tak terdengar kentutnya.
22. Orang Pelit - Orang yang suka ngempet/menahan kentutnya sendiri.
23. Orang Korup - Kentutnya bau sekali.
24. Orang Hemat - Orang yang bisa mengeluarkan kentutnya sesuai kebutuhan.
25. Orang Lugu - Orang yang kentut malah kaget.
26. Orang Gemar Menabung - Orang yang kalau kentut dimasukan ke kantong plastik lalu diiket erat2.
27. Orang Males - Orang yang kentut ga pernah tuntas.
28. Orang Pembual - Orang yang tidak bisa lagi dibedakan mana itu kentut atau omongannya.
29. Orang Narsis - Orang yg kentut sambil ngaca atau mengambil foto dirinya agar melihat raut wajahnya saat kentut.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

memorable indeed

today should be commemorated as a day with coincidence!

firstly, i went to pizza hut with pril and we chatted for quite some time there. not long ago, an indo friend of mine told me that he met my family in pizza hut. they were having dinnr there too, just different place!

secondly, i am just so happy. it was just too much of a coincidence. refused to comment. XD
this is more or less telling me why i am so happy. except some missing evidence.

sometimes, the littlest thing in life makes you can't stop smiling to yourself. it's weird.

Monday, May 11, 2009

the life of an exhausted mind

what do you do when you have no choice but to cross a busy road full of traffic? no policemen, no policemen and no car seems to give way. for me, the answer is you still have to cross. it just depends on the way you cross it. if you are careful enough, you get to the place you want, safely.

life is like that, isn't it?

relax down, when all the other things around you tenses up. maybe you can get what you want. peacefully.

and i have a picture of a lovely polar bear that entertain me enough. thanks yo! (creds to: gab)

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Hey ladies! (im addicted to the song XD) and gentlemen of the nation.

i can't believe i actually went through the CASH lecture slides! wew, here i am, done reading it all and can't wait to get some rest after a whole session of exhausting my mind.

today's been great and tiring. all the trip down to chinatown with sandals that has opening like crocodile mouth will exhaust your feet! (try it if you don't believe me). walked all the way down with nez to mrt and grabbed pepperlunch in dhoby ghaut.all the agent and tenant stuff is enough to make my head explode. i really hope that the tropica owner can accept us as her tenants~ *praying hard* i couldn't think of any other way to press down the price or starting from scratch and looking for a new agent to find us hdb unit. oh it sure wastes lots of time =S

the next burden in mind will be $$$$$. the thing that can drive you to heaven and throw you to hell. either way, you still need $$$. ironic.

the world surely knows how to make you spend your money. forcefully. anyway anyway, let's not think about that.

maybe from the other point of view, a non-materialistic angle, money isn't some powerful tool that can buy anything you want. you can't buy back love. you can't buy back a person you love, of course. once they are gone, that's it. there is no use dreading over it. yes.

ah, and Mother's day yes. Mom, i love you. that i shall just say it here, where you won't even read it, or know this blog exists. although someone asked me to text you and tell you how much i loved you and always do, i guess i'm not as good in words as him. not good at showing affection though. you know your daughter best, don't you =P

and last, which maybe is the least, from the blog, i am ready to sleep. totally tired out by now.
bonne nuit~

may you rest in peace. we love you :)

poignant video

one word : poignant.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

moving out soon

struggling for life (T.T)

know where this is?

it's our very own TP, reservoir gate!

stupid shots by the toopids - pics above.



Long time since a proper post! =D
headache, big headache now..

i've been looking forward to get out of this small cramped room and i'm so delighted i finally found myself an alternative place to stay! we were planning, and still are, to rent a simple unit so that we can use the kitchen all we want~ yoohooo..all the happy things..

and now it's the sad thing, the cheaper HDB units are just so not suitable and the desperate me called up another agent to find out that he only have all the private apartments and condominiums!

anyway, we negotiated the price and all that, we finally settled down with two choices, and still looking out for another person to share the place with us, otherwise the fee is way too burdening!~

so anyone looking for place to stay, (and don't mind to stand a lil' noise from us =P) you are welcomed to join us, as fast as you can! we are moving in next month i guess!
waiting for your news~~~
contact me for further info, if you are interested!
merci boucoup!

btw, WOLVERINE movie is awesome baybeh! go and grab a seat at the nearest cinema, bet you won't regret it.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

why do i love you

why do i love you?
(creds to icequeen45 and prilly ^^)

the words indeed mean alot to me..

Monday, May 04, 2009

just a hope

there is probably nothing else you wanna know about me, but i really wish you could know one thing i've learnt from you.

whatever things we have done, you liked it or regretted it, none of those you've done in the past can be changed. not the way i feel about you either. if you are still the you i know, you should realise it way earlier than this.

one last thing i hope from you, i want to be the listening ear of your deepest sorrow. nothing can change this friendship right?

that pair of round eyes, they won't lie will they?

Sunday, May 03, 2009




there seemed to be nothing coming out of my mind, the urge to write.
i know it's been dead. one week. =P
some pics to revive!

Genting - weekend trip

done! =P