wah ini bener banget. coba deh disimak dan dipelajari. siapa tau berguna :)
Dalam hidup ini kita seringkali membuat berbagai kesalahan. Apa saja kesalahan-kesalahan yang sering dibuat tapi berakibat fatal.
Itu penyakit P dan K, yaitu Primitif dan Kekanak-kanakan. Menyalahkan orang lain adalah pola pikir orang primitif. Di pedalaman Afrika, kalau ada orang yang sakit, yang Dipikirkan adalah : Siapa nih yang nyantet? Selalu “siapa” Bukan “apa” penyebabnya. Bidang kedokteran modern selalu mencari tahu “apa” sebabnya, bukan “siapa”. Jadi kalau kita berpikir menyalahkan orang lain, itu sama dengan sikap primitif. Pakai koteka aja deh, nggak usah pakai dasi dan jas.Kekanak-kanakan. Kenapa? Anak-anak selalu nggak pernah mau disalahkan. Kalau ada piring yang jatuh,” Adik tuh yang salah”, atau “mbak tuh yang salah”. Anda pakai celana monyet aja kalau bersikap begitu. Kalau kita manusia yang berakal dan dewasa selalu akan mencari sebab terjadinya sesuatu.
Menyalahkan diri sendiri bahwa dirinya merasa tidak mampu. Ini berbeda dengan MENGAKUI KESALAHAN. Anda pernah mengalaminya? Kalau anda bilang tidak pernah, berarti anda bohong. “Ah, dia sih bisa, dia ahli, dia punya jabatan, dia berbakat dsb, Lha saya ini apa ?, wah saya nggak bisa deh. Dia S3, lha saya SMP, wah nggak bisa deh. Dia punya waktu banyak, saya sibuk, pasti nggak bisa deh”. Penyakit ini seperti kanker, tambah besar, besar di dalam mental diri sehingga bisa mencapai “improper guilty feeling”.Jadi walau yang salah partner, anak buah, atau bahkan atasan, berani bilang “Saya kok yang memang salah, tidak mampu dsb”. Penyakit ini pelan-pelan bisa membunuh kita. Merasa inferior, kita tidak punya kemampuan. Kita sering membandingkan keberhasilan orang lain dengan kekurangan kita, sehingga keberhasilan orang lain dianggap Wajar karena mereka punya sesuatu lebih yang kita tidak punya.
Kita sering terpaku dengan kesibukan kerja, tetapi arahnya tidak jelas. Sebaiknya kita selalu mempunyai target kerja dengan milestone. Buat target jangka panjang dan jangka pendek secara tertulis. Ilustrasinya kayak gini : Ada anjing jago lari yang sombong. Apa sih yang nggak bisa saya kejar, kuda aja kalah sama saya. Kemudian ada kelinci lompat-lompat, kiclik, kiclik, kiclik. Temannya bilang: “Nah tuh ada kelinci, kejar aja”. Dia kejar itu kelinci, wesss…., kelinci lari lebih kencang, anjingnya ngotot ngejar dan kelinci lari sipat-kuping (sampai nggak dengar / peduli apa-apa), dan akhirnya nggak terkejar, kelinci masuk pagar. Anjing kembali lagi ke temannya dan diketawain.“Ah lu, katanya jago lari, sama kelinci aja nggak bisa kejar. Katanya lu paling kencang”.“Lha dia goalnya untuk tetap hidup sih, survive, lha gua goalnya untuk fun aja sih”.Kalau “GOAL” kita hanya untuk “FUN”, isi waktu aja, ya hasilnya Cuma terengah-engah saja.
4. MEMPUNYAI “GOAL”, TAPI NGAWUR MENCAPAINYABiasanya dialami oleh orang yang tidak “teachable”. Goalnya salah, focus kita juga salah, jalannya juga salah, arahnya juga salah. Ilustrasinya kayak gini : ada pemuda yang terobsesi dengan emas, karena pengaruh tradisi yang mendewakan emas. Pemuda ini pergi ke pertokoan dan mengisi karungnya dengan emas dan seenaknya ngeloyor pergi. Tentu saja ditangkap polisi dan ditanya. Jawabnya : Pokoknya saya mau emas, saya nggak mau lihat kiri-kanan.
Keberhasilan tidak pernah dilalui dengan jalan pintas. Jalan pintas tidak membawa orang ke kesuksesan yang sebenarnya, real success, karena tidak mengikuti proses. Kalau kita menghindari proses, ya nggak matang, kalaupun matang ya dikarbit. Jadi, tidak ada tuh jalan pintas. Pemain bulutangkis Indonesia bangun jam 5 pagi, lari keliling Senayan, melakukan smesh 1000 kali. Itu bukan jalan pintas. Nggak ada orang yang leha-leha tiap hari pakai sarung, terus tiba- tiba jadi juara bulu tangkis. Nggak ada! Kalau anda disuruh taruh uang 1 juta, dalam 3 minggu jadi 3 juta, masuk akal nggak tuh? Nggak mungkin!. Karena hal itu melawan kodrat.
Analoginya begini : Pesawat terbang untuk bisa take-off, harus mempunyai kecepatan minimum. Pesawat Boeing 737, untuk dapat take- off, memerlukan kecepatan minimum 300 km/jam. Kalau kecepatan dia cuma 50 km/jam, ya Cuma ngabis-ngabisin avtur aja, muter-muter aja. Lha kalau jalannya, runwaynya lurus anda cuma pakai kecepatan 50 km/jam, ya nggak bisa take-off, malah nyungsep iya. Iya kan ?
Dia maunya yang besar-besar, yang heboh, tapi yang kecil-kecil nggak dikerjain. Dia lupa bahwa struktur bangunan yang besar, pasti ada komponen yang kecilnya. Maunya yang hebat aja. Mengabaikan hal kecil aja nggak boleh, apalagi mengabaikan orang kecil.
Jangan berhenti kerja pada masa percobaan 3 bulan. Bukan mengawali dengan yang salah yang bikin orang gagal, tetapi berhenti pada tempat yang salah. Mengawali dengan salah bisa diperbaiki, tetapi berhenti di tempat yang salah repot sekali.
Wah puitis sekali, saya suka sekali dengan yang ini. Karena apa? Kita selalu penuh memori kan ? Apa yang kita lakukan, masuk memori kita, minimal sebagai pertimbangan kita untuk langkah kita berikutnya. Apalagi kalau kita pernah gagal, nggak berani untuk mencoba lagi. Ini bisa balik lagi ke penyakit nomer-3. Kegagalan sebagai akibat bayang-bayang masa lalu yang tidak terselesaikan dengan semestinya. Itu bayang-bayang negatif. Memori kita kadang- kadang sangat membatasi kita untuk maju ke depan. Kita kadang-kadang lupa bahwa hidup itu maju terus. “Waktu” itu maju kan ?. Ada nggak yang punya jam yang jalannya terbalik?? Nggak ada kan ? Semuanya maju, hidup itu maju. Lari aja ke depan, kalaupun harus jatuh, pasti ke depan kok. Orang yang berhasil, pasti pernah gagal. Itu memori negatif yang menghalangi kesuksesan.
Syndrome. Kita dihipnotis dengan itu. Kita kalau pernah berhasil dengan sukses kecil, terus berhenti, nggak kemana-mana lagi.Sudah puas dengan sukses kecil tersebut. Napoleon pernah menyatakan: “Saat yang paling berbahaya datang bersama dengan kemenangan yang besar”. Itu saat yang paling berbahaya, karena orang lengah, mabuk kemenangan. Jangan terjebak dengan goal-goal hasil yang kecil, karena kita akan menembak sasaran yang besar, goal yang jauh. Jangan berpuas diri, ntar jadi sombong, terus takabur.Sudah saatnya kita memperbaiki kehidupan kita. Kesempatan terbuka lebar untuk siapa saja yang ingin maju.
Action may not always bring success, but there is no success without action.“
Usaha dan tindakan tidak selalu menghasilkan keberhasilan/ sukses, tetapi… Tidak ada keberhasilan dan sukses TANPA usaha dan tindakan.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday blues, Lazy Tuesday..
Dreading Wednesday.... blah weekdays! They are annoying. Looking forward to meeting huan2 and family.
Today felt extremely heavy and sleepy. The more I read about the health article, the more I feel that I have extreme lacking of rest. Time, it doesn’t fly but so many things, so little relaxed time. Most of the time in a day is used up tensely. Sitting behind 1.5 meter length letter L desk with laptop even it’s tuck in wheeled arm chair felt horrible, especially if you do it for 9 hours without long break.
A grand toilet with sofa in it would be awesome.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Buffalo wings
Haven't got the chances to taste this hottest buffalo wings in Singapore, after ages of peeking through this post. Will let you know when I did!
* * *
The hottest wings in town
By yahoosingapore – June 17th, 2010
Tucked deep within a small corner of Seletar airbase lies a non-descript, no-frills joint called the Sunset Bar and Grill.
But strip away its friendly service and “Sunday barbeque” picnic feel and you’ll discover — at your own peril — that its kitchen is home to the hottest wings in Singapore (and, possibly, Batam and Malaysia).
By hot, i mean palate-busting, tongue-scorching, tear-jerking HOT.
I found out first-hand just how toxic its buffalo wings are when me and a couple of friends paid a visit to the cosy, well-hidden grill-cum-pub last Sunday.
The first thing you’ll notice is that it’s not easily accessible. It’s nestled so deep within Seletar airbase that as you drive in (walking is not advised), you’ll pass a series of crickety maintenance hangars for old planes. If you’re lucky, you might even pass a few fit-for-museum propeller planes and a private jet or two.
If you choose to sit alfresco in the early evenings, you’ll also get a good view of the sun as it sets. Situated literally right next to the Seletar airfield, it’s also not uncommon for low-flying aircraft and propeller planes to skim the horizon as they land or take-off.
The food is decent. It serves mostly western fare such as fish and chips ($15.50), mini-burgers ($14.50) and pork ribs ($29.80).
But the real highlight is, of, course, the wings. I’ll be the first to admit I love my chicken wings — fried, barbequed, buffalo, KFC or McDonald’s-style — I love them all. And upon first glance at the menu, I wondered to myself, “Come on, really, how hot can these wings be?”
In fact, when the friendly waiter advised that “rookies” like us should start with a ”Level 2″ (Level 1 and 2 are just normal chicken wings. Level 3 is when they start adding the chilli padi into the marinated batter and it goes all the way up to a Level 30), I scoffed and immediately ordered a half-dozen of “Level 3″ ($19.50).
The result? Suffice it to say it was an induction into hell on earth — in your mouth. Several gung-ho members of my group found the wings to be from a “Okay, what! Quite tolerable!” to a tear-squelching, “Can I have a pail of ice with my Coke?”
It got worse.
Seeing as we were already at the deep end, we took the plunge and went on to order a “Level 5″ before finishing off with a take-no-prisoners “Level 10″. Frankly, after a certain point, your tongue goes dead and you don’t taste anything. The secret? Wolf down the wings as quickly as possible and avoid the chilli paste stinging your lips and eyes.
Several Cokes and beers later, and after the mini-explosion in my stomach had subsided, I felt pretty pleased about myself — after all, I had conquered a “Level 10″ whereas the table beside ours was struggling to polish off a half-dozen “Level 5″s.
My sense of satisfaction was short-lived after I chanced upon the Sunset Grill “Chili Heads Hall of Fame” — a wall dedicated to the adventurous folks who’d tried the Level 30 and survived to tell the tale. It was…a pretty long wall.
Despite its ultra-hidden location, the establishment has a large loyal following. On a Sunday evening, the 100-seater or so bar was packed to the rafters.
Business was so good that the bar’s American owner, Jerry Griffis, 76, declined to have his picture taken.
The former businessman, who used to run an aerospace engineering firm and has been living in Singapore for the past 35 years, said, “I really don’t need the publicity. As you can see, I’ve got more business than I can handle right now.”
And he was right.
My friends and I weren’t the only ones crazy enough to tempt death by chilli.
Sunset Grill and Bar
Republic of Singapore Flying Club
140-B Piccadilly Road, Seletar Airbase
East Camp
Tel: 64820244
Open from 4pm (last order at 930pm)
Directions: Turn left at Seletar Army Camp and drive straight until you hit a small road called Seletar Aerospace View. Turn right and drive straight past a series of maintenance hangars and small planes by the wayside. You will find the open carpark of Sunset Bar and Grill beside the Republic of Singapore Flying Club.
* * *
The hottest wings in town
By yahoosingapore – June 17th, 2010
Tucked deep within a small corner of Seletar airbase lies a non-descript, no-frills joint called the Sunset Bar and Grill.
But strip away its friendly service and “Sunday barbeque” picnic feel and you’ll discover — at your own peril — that its kitchen is home to the hottest wings in Singapore (and, possibly, Batam and Malaysia).
By hot, i mean palate-busting, tongue-scorching, tear-jerking HOT.
I found out first-hand just how toxic its buffalo wings are when me and a couple of friends paid a visit to the cosy, well-hidden grill-cum-pub last Sunday.
The first thing you’ll notice is that it’s not easily accessible. It’s nestled so deep within Seletar airbase that as you drive in (walking is not advised), you’ll pass a series of crickety maintenance hangars for old planes. If you’re lucky, you might even pass a few fit-for-museum propeller planes and a private jet or two.
If you choose to sit alfresco in the early evenings, you’ll also get a good view of the sun as it sets. Situated literally right next to the Seletar airfield, it’s also not uncommon for low-flying aircraft and propeller planes to skim the horizon as they land or take-off.
The food is decent. It serves mostly western fare such as fish and chips ($15.50), mini-burgers ($14.50) and pork ribs ($29.80).
But the real highlight is, of, course, the wings. I’ll be the first to admit I love my chicken wings — fried, barbequed, buffalo, KFC or McDonald’s-style — I love them all. And upon first glance at the menu, I wondered to myself, “Come on, really, how hot can these wings be?”
In fact, when the friendly waiter advised that “rookies” like us should start with a ”Level 2″ (Level 1 and 2 are just normal chicken wings. Level 3 is when they start adding the chilli padi into the marinated batter and it goes all the way up to a Level 30), I scoffed and immediately ordered a half-dozen of “Level 3″ ($19.50).
The result? Suffice it to say it was an induction into hell on earth — in your mouth. Several gung-ho members of my group found the wings to be from a “Okay, what! Quite tolerable!” to a tear-squelching, “Can I have a pail of ice with my Coke?”
It got worse.
Seeing as we were already at the deep end, we took the plunge and went on to order a “Level 5″ before finishing off with a take-no-prisoners “Level 10″. Frankly, after a certain point, your tongue goes dead and you don’t taste anything. The secret? Wolf down the wings as quickly as possible and avoid the chilli paste stinging your lips and eyes.
Several Cokes and beers later, and after the mini-explosion in my stomach had subsided, I felt pretty pleased about myself — after all, I had conquered a “Level 10″ whereas the table beside ours was struggling to polish off a half-dozen “Level 5″s.
My sense of satisfaction was short-lived after I chanced upon the Sunset Grill “Chili Heads Hall of Fame” — a wall dedicated to the adventurous folks who’d tried the Level 30 and survived to tell the tale. It was…a pretty long wall.
Despite its ultra-hidden location, the establishment has a large loyal following. On a Sunday evening, the 100-seater or so bar was packed to the rafters.
Business was so good that the bar’s American owner, Jerry Griffis, 76, declined to have his picture taken.
The former businessman, who used to run an aerospace engineering firm and has been living in Singapore for the past 35 years, said, “I really don’t need the publicity. As you can see, I’ve got more business than I can handle right now.”
And he was right.
My friends and I weren’t the only ones crazy enough to tempt death by chilli.
Sunset Grill and Bar
Republic of Singapore Flying Club
140-B Piccadilly Road, Seletar Airbase
East Camp
Tel: 64820244
Open from 4pm (last order at 930pm)
Directions: Turn left at Seletar Army Camp and drive straight until you hit a small road called Seletar Aerospace View. Turn right and drive straight past a series of maintenance hangars and small planes by the wayside. You will find the open carpark of Sunset Bar and Grill beside the Republic of Singapore Flying Club.
Friday, August 20, 2010
It's two degrees of separation in Singapore-not six. Everyone is someone's NS buddy, ex-wife, insurance agent or Facebook friend.
i have big concentration problem now. it's probably the friday syndrome. i repeated mail franking for the same envelope for few times.
Dear manager is on MC today. The other finance girl on urgent leave.The remaining people for Lantiq treasury department are left with my head supervisor in her remoted office, a weird guy called Michael (don't let me explain he's just weird according to my weirdness-meter and lastly the youngest soul, a pathetic girl who is ranting on her blog and just lost her part of brain on cloud nine...
Dear manager is on MC today. The other finance girl on urgent leave.The remaining people for Lantiq treasury department are left with my head supervisor in her remoted office, a weird guy called Michael (don't let me explain he's just weird according to my weirdness-meter and lastly the youngest soul, a pathetic girl who is ranting on her blog and just lost her part of brain on cloud nine...
Friday, July 30, 2010
Friday is blue
Friday is a favourite day. I can wear whatever I like, or almost whatever, to office. It's the end of my weekdays, start of my "holiday". Weekend should be fun and exciting. But guess where am I now? at home! Will be at home till weekend's over, plus Monday! Can you imagine how boring i will be, when i'm already sick of the room light that blink every few seconds like a disco theme and cockroaches running everywhere in the house that made me keep my feet off the ground most of the time? Or every now and then when the electric bill come close to zero and the whole house turn dark and silent? Gees, it's worse than a haunted house.
Anyway, the doctor doesn't have any idea why the hell i have rashes on my face. I have to wait for dermatology appointment in Changi General Hospital they refer to, on 25th August! Repeat 25th august! That's the earliest they can book. Whaaaat is this. What if my rashes got worse. What if the company send me for rest. What if my school cancel my internship. I am as sure as hell have no idea what disease I am suffering nao.
Anyway, the doctor doesn't have any idea why the hell i have rashes on my face. I have to wait for dermatology appointment in Changi General Hospital they refer to, on 25th August! Repeat 25th august! That's the earliest they can book. Whaaaat is this. What if my rashes got worse. What if the company send me for rest. What if my school cancel my internship. I am as sure as hell have no idea what disease I am suffering nao.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Fighting simplicity is diffucult
Back back back.
After wandering into myspace, tumblr, or whatsoever social blogging site, i just can't resist to run back to blogspot's arms. I kind of stick to blogspot more than any blogging site.
so here i am. Typing from the 6th floor Lantiq office in 8 Kallang Sector, one of the most unique building in Kallang Industrial Park that you can easily identify Infineon Building as ship/cruise look-alike design from the expressway. Was it CTE, KPE, PIE? MUD PIE? Okay, no not another food. Although the breakfast was too light. Nooooo~
Today's weather is extremely lazy. If you ask me to describe the weather, it's probably like a heavy drizziling. I almost lost the to the temptation of rolling back to sleep this morning. The office atmosphere is filled with chattering and background sounds, but still, not able to warm the cold air and my freezing feet from the soaked palm flats and long winding walk to Infineon Building.
It's even colder after lunch, although driving out of working area to some well-know hawker centre to enjoy the sumptious fried fish with beehoon soup felt so good and refreshing.
Getting myself a cup of warm Ovaltine. Amazing taste. And smell. And warmth. Awww..Life's good.
After wandering into myspace, tumblr, or whatsoever social blogging site, i just can't resist to run back to blogspot's arms. I kind of stick to blogspot more than any blogging site.
so here i am. Typing from the 6th floor Lantiq office in 8 Kallang Sector, one of the most unique building in Kallang Industrial Park that you can easily identify Infineon Building as ship/cruise look-alike design from the expressway. Was it CTE, KPE, PIE? MUD PIE? Okay, no not another food. Although the breakfast was too light. Nooooo~
Today's weather is extremely lazy. If you ask me to describe the weather, it's probably like a heavy drizziling. I almost lost the to the temptation of rolling back to sleep this morning. The office atmosphere is filled with chattering and background sounds, but still, not able to warm the cold air and my freezing feet from the soaked palm flats and long winding walk to Infineon Building.
It's even colder after lunch, although driving out of working area to some well-know hawker centre to enjoy the sumptious fried fish with beehoon soup felt so good and refreshing.
Getting myself a cup of warm Ovaltine. Amazing taste. And smell. And warmth. Awww..Life's good.
Saturday, January 02, 2010
tumblr for new year
i may have to abandon you for now, my blog.
packing up and moving to my tumblr account.
2009 have proven things beyond my thoughts.
though not everything could always turn out to be pleasant, every piece of it will become part of lesson for 2010.
thanks everyone for walking into my life and leaving footprint in it.
wish you well :)
packing up and moving to my tumblr account.
2009 have proven things beyond my thoughts.
though not everything could always turn out to be pleasant, every piece of it will become part of lesson for 2010.
thanks everyone for walking into my life and leaving footprint in it.
wish you well :)
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