Sunday, May 26, 2013

Would i reminisce my school days?

Nobody denies how lovely our high school moment was. Even if you regret something you had done back then, been a victim of bully, failed a subject from playing too much or did not talk to that 5 year old crush you eye-candied throughout the years, deep down there is always something we cherish that is brought along when we entered the university. And then you meet people who spent half their time working and barely have time for school projects, or the study freak who reluctantly share what they knew with you, or the other kind who rants daily on their breakups and relationship events and then turn to complaints during study break period how there's only so much time left to study. You realise school was not so fun anymore but not until you meet the crazier working adults you find university life is much more exciting than working.

Life never stops bugging you with new problems, we would only look back and waive it off like it's nothing when we overcome them and when it's over you thought to ourselves, "how did you do that?"

I would admit that studying for my university exam was the most non-sensical life i had gone through, so far of course, because i would anticipate much unpredictable emotions i would be leapt through next, who knows. All i know that within a year of my lectures, they made you sat down in a hall filled with hundreds of students like myself, and did the paper as if your life depended on it (yes, academically it judges your whole year performance). You know better than anyone else that the 3 hours moment would become the most important moment of your life when you were in your final year. You would think yeah why not, it's 3 hours it's bearable. Wait till you have that 3 hours each for five papers in four days. Good luck and wish me luck. I really hope i would pass everything, there's approx 3 more months waiting time to results. Oh and another year till convocation. Can't wait, really.

There's much more to say of my frantic self during exam preparation. Funny how words are cut down so much when you are calmed down a bit (not entirely, since i haven't gotten my exam results). It was the longest mugging period in my school days and i really think it's worth it. And trust me it would be good to stay home to study if you find the comfort in it.

I really really really do wanna pass and graduate, but if it happens otherwise i could probably find a better way to appreciate my time and effort in my studies. Yeah crossed my fingers, would love to end my studies for now. School is worth to be cherished. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Turning 21

It's 1 hour old of me being 21 years old. Well it was no big difference from an hour ago.. Except the fact that I probably stop growing taller (my friend actually told me girls stop at the age of 16 but i refused to believe).. Or the fact that I would have to start caring for my skin twice as hard, it could be prone to wrinkle..

As conventional as it is, being 21 force you to become mature somehow. Suddenly, you can legally watch R21 movies or sign an agreement or lawfully eligible for some things in life. You became an adult.

On the lighter side, my dear galau roommate that probably no longer galau (hopefully not anymore) specially present me her birthday 'package'. I am not trying to be lesbian here but anyone will be touched with these lovely things. Take a look!

My 2 birthday cakes!

Blowing candles Cutting cake

All these loves

These cute stuffs melt my heart!

Our queen organizer..


Lastly Siang's card:

Thanks Siang!! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Solusi alamiah bagi kuku, rambut dan wajah

Kuku mudah patah

Cuka apel (cider vinegar)

Rendam kuku selama 10 menit dalam air hangat yang dicampur sesendok teh cuka apel. Setelah itu dibilas dan dikeringkan.

Rambut kering


300-500gr alpokat dilumat dan diusap meata ke seluruh bagian kepala. Tutup dengan handuk kering, diamkan selama 30-40 menit. Lalu, keramas hingga bersih. Coba lakukan rutin sebulan sebagai conditioner.



Air kunyit

Cobalah kompres jerawat dengan kubis (kol) yang telah dihaluskan (diulek/diblender). Taruh kubis yang sudah dihaluskan lagi di atas kapas, lalu pakailah untuk mengompres jerawat.

*Bisa juga di jus karena kol bersifat membersihkan.

Lebih manjur lagi jika diikuti dengan minum segelas air kunyit sehari tiga kali. Caranya: aduk 1 sendok teh kunyit parut dengan air hangat, saring. Bubuhi air jeruk nipis untuk mengurangi rasa langu.

BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop


For consumption of fruits and vegetables, avoid choosing the same fruits/vegetables over and over. Try out all variations you can find, for instance seasonal fruits like mango and guava or 'new' vegetable choices e.g. ginseng leaves, pakcoi, cuciwis, etc.

* * *

Ketika mengkonsumsi sayuran dan buah-buahan, jangan mengkonsumsi satu jenis saja. Cobalah variasi dengan buah-buahan musiman seperti mangga dan jambu biji, atau mencoba sayuran ‘baru’ seperti pucuk ginseng, baby pakcoi, cuciwis, etc.

See full size image

BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Food is my friend

I'm going to have my lunch soon. And before that, here's some recipes I found in my mom's old health magazines Nirmala. Nice, simple, delicious ones!

Pardon me it's Indonesian.

Dadar brokoli tomat
Untuk 2 porsi


  • 2 sdm minyak sayur

  • 1 btg bawang daun, iris tipis serong

  • 1 siung bawang putih, cincang

  • 2 buah cabe merah, iris serong tipis

  • 100 gr jamur kancing, iris tipis

  • 3 butir telur

  • ½ sdt garam

  • ½ sdt merica hitam bubuk

  • 2 buah tomat merah, cincang

  • 150 g brokoli, lepaskan kuntumnya, rebus sebentar

Cara membuat:

  • Panaskan minyak sayur dalam wajan dadar berdiameter 15 cm, tumis bawang daun, bawang putih, cabe merah, dan jamur kancng sebentar.

  • Kocok telur, garam, dan merica hitam. Tuangkan telur kocok ke dalam wajan dadar sambil ratakan.

  • Taburi atasnya dengan tomat cincang dan brokoli. Masak hingga dadar matang. Angkat.

  • Sajikan hangat.

Mango Lassi
Untuk 4 gelas


  • 200 g daging buah mangga Arummanis yang tua

  • 300 ml yogurt tawar

  • 100 ml air jeruk manis (jeruk peras)

  • Es serut secukupnya

Cara membuat:

  • Kupas mangga, potong-potong daging buah mangga

  • Masukkan potongan mangga, yogurt, dan air jeruk manis ke dalam mangkuk blender. Proses hingga mangga lembut.

  • Tambahkan es serut, aduk rata.

  • Sajikan segera.

BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Friday, September 16, 2011

Feng shui

Nowadays architects prioritise their design on commerciability and ignores the importance of feng shui. I still think that feng shui has some roles in logics.

For bedroom, the do's and dont's.

And why mirrors shouldn't be facing your bed.
Totally agreeing!

BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

It's never too late

.. to let go

To travel through life with lightness,
we must unload the things which weigh us down,
and hold us back.

Lose the baggage.

Turn them loose.

Soar ahead.

BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

7 bad medicines to avoid your skin from using

1. Moisturize with mineral oil.

2. Overdose on topical creams such as retinoids, hydrocortisones, and acids.

3. Scrub with a washcloth.

4. Shower twice a day in hot water.

5. Use magnets.

6. Use skin polishes made of natural walnut shell or apricot kernels

7. Wash with Evian or other varieties of expensive, bottled water. (unless you don't know where else you wanna spend your mney to)

Tips above are just gonna retard your skin's progress..

Extracted from Michelle Copeland, M.D., D.M.D. "The Beautiful Skin Workout"

BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Super sour orange

Today is the second day in a row that I had MOS burger as my dinner except that I would prefer yesterday's hot teriyaki chicken burger than today's yakiniku rice burger. Somehow, I felt like the last yakiniku I ate was a lot better. Is my taste bud getting more sensitive or their standard gettin lower? I dare not comment.

Anyway, earlier on the day, I cooked some fried rice with pan fried potato wedges and omelette filled with purple onion, tomato, long beans. It was good except that fried rice is close to rock than soft rice. We still enjoy it though, because we had RCTI to accompany us! The short film we watched wasn't as entertaining as ytd's too. They made me emotional, with anger not sadness. It was as if they were making up some things that're alrdy so obvious to me. I couldn't help diverting my mind to imagining me reaching for the TV box, shaking it, lifting it up then threw it off from 14th storey height to the pool. It works. Made me feel lot better.

These little orangy coloured brats, they are sour as hell. Kinda like how HDR controlled the lighting of this picture.


Enough for today! Planning to sleep and wake up lil bit earlier than usual. Small step to healthier liver. Wish me luck! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Internet's prank

I lost part of my last post which I typed with all my might about RCTI, a favourited TV channel we Indonesian will be familiar with, on how my roommate and I laughed at during our potato time at home. In the couch. This internet is so unpredictable. I swear I saved it in the draft. I hated it when it all gone to waste. Gahhh. Anyway, I'm glad my roommate started on blogging. A private one though. But now she believes in how a blogging activity could enlighten your mind by lifting a burden from yourself just like how I did today. It seemed like just talking about it made me feel easy.

About my friend's blogging thing, she seemed talented in it as she already include this candid shot of my mud-masked face in one of her first few posts. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

General Nutritional do's and dont's


Choose items rich in omega-3 fatty acids

Drink green tea

Eat organic if you can

Skip calorie-loaded, nutritionally deficient foods and beverages, like soda and beer

Snack on fresh fruits and berries whenever possible

Stock your fridge with produce high in vitamins A,C, and E

Vary your diet among food groups


Buy foods containing dye

Consume MSG

Eat fish, which may contain high amounts of mercury more than twice a week

Make fat- and cholesterol-rich red meat and eggs a dietary staple

Fill up on processed items

Load your shopping cart with canned or frozen meals

Extracted from Michelle Copeland, M.D., D.M.D. “The Beautiful Skin Workout”

BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Monday, September 12, 2011

Finally a planned morning

It was never a day like I planned it to be. I've had no school for months ever since I graduated on 23 May (except for bridging course that went on for one and a half month), no work (you can't really count occassional part time), no courses or outside activities to attend to, no sports. I'm becoming a potato couch in my own bed.

So finally I'm gonna go swimming in the afternoon.. For the record, drank few hundred ml of mineral water and 2 sunkists before lunch time. Now my stomach has just recognised a cream cheese bread and waiting for another spicy floss to go in. Been a while since I had such a heavy joyful breakfast.
BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop