Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy new year in advanced!
bears enough of my overweight rantings, complains, opinions, feelings, pains, silences, awkwardness, bla bla bla just to fill out the space. :D
i decide to keep this blog, and create another one in another place. still thinking whether i should move to tumblr or anywhere else in 2010. ^^
meanwhile people,
which is like in less than 24 hours?
be it getting stockup for popcorn and watch TV programme like potato in your living room sofa
or out with the whole bunch of crazy creatures in the most luxurious place you could find
or just two of you, significant for each other by a place that has the most amazing view ever.
seriously, i had no plan for my new year.
for the first time ever.
note to self:
remember to take a look at the envelope you wrote to yourself last year. hah!
end of 2009
ps: prilly the roomie is doing whatever project she is doing, making herself repeat writing 'business' word thrice. her spelling memory seemed to be gone for the moment. maybe it's the blocked nose :D
Glee - True Colours
this is the way love goes,
it is fluid like tides or weather
just when it seems like it's going away,
it comes back
and even if it doesn't, that's okay.
~ The Geography of Girlhood, by Kirsten Smith.
i've been wanting to share the quotes to those who were too disappointed and hurt, for those who fell out of love, or in the midst of hope or anyone. you don't need to have expectations for love. because sometimes we ignore those who love us, adore the ones who ignore us, hurt those who love us, and love the one who hurt us. life is fair enough when you think as it is.
and i wish 2010 will be more amazing than 2009.
just like how tomorrow will be brighter than today.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
making better than worst
that refrains me.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
every piece makes my day
i've learnt that after completing three school reflectve journals within 2 hours for submission the next morning, it is best to back up every file i have. -.=
oh, i can just write another reflective journal here. just to bore you out.
anywayyyy, i got my baby back! yessss!
i have been missing my dear laptop for freaking 2 and a half weeks!
it feels so fresh and clean, like i just got a new one.
ok. maybe not very satisfied with the new and clean hard disk memory i have.
but who cares? it's not like all the memories i had inside are memorable. some too hurtful to bear. i should just erase them off. which i did, cuz i had no choice!
enough for the rantingggggs.
i can finally sleep peaceful tonight and rest since everything got back in peace
tee hee <3
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
to risk is being alive
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk revealing your true self.
To place you ideas, your dreams, before a crowd
Is to risk rejection.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying. To hope is to risk disappointment.
To try is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard
In life is to risk nothing. Those who risk nothing, do nothing, have nothing,
And become nothing.
They may avoid present suffering and sorrow, but they
Will not learn, feel, change, grow, love, or live.
Chained by their fear, they are slaves who have forfeited
Their freedom.
Only a person who risks is free.
The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
And the realist adjusts the sails.”
- William Arthur Ward
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
i love this feeling <3
test is over over over.
this time round really really over. no more aderv postponed test. =D
get ITPM compilation done by tomorrow and yeah man!
hope that it i can get back my lappy soon. i miss it already.
and i feel so guilty having to use pril's everytime.
although she's studying now. hehe.
good luck and all the best for those still having exam!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
torture your spontaneous
i had no idea why i was following nez to Dover and looked for asy in her optical shop.
part of it probably breaking free from my studying ritual of staying at home for 2 freaking days. that almost drive me crazy. of course you get eye check up too. :D thanks asy for the service.
so we managed to fulfill our initial goal for studying. so we settled down in the sofa which so far is the most comfortable place and totally forgot about catching train back home. plus the starbucks is 24 hours. we stayed there till morning and finally get home at 3am. i tried my best to ignore the fact that i have 2 tests the next morning.
waking up early in the morning when no one in the house is awake, and you have to wake up from your 3 hours sleep for test. that feeling is dreadful.
but anyway, that was overrrr.
the celebration began. ignoring the fact of a postponed test the coming Wednesday.
fish spa and back massage. the feeling is indescribable. :D
steamboat. my tummy loves it.
how i wish everyday is like that.
(beside having to think of a way to slip my sleeping time in!)
*ps: BaliThai is amazing. lychiee martini chocolate is amazing. life is amazing. (after term test.)
Friday, December 04, 2009
square one
i woke up with nobody at sight, just the sound of heavy pouring and thunder.
since when i got so stuck up with the thunder sound (>.<)
damn. i used to hear my grandma said, as you grow older, there are more things you worry.
maybe it's true.
now i got worried about thunder.
it's 12.50 pm, runch time.
having a warm soupy noodle is the best :D
off for meal!
. . .
so sleepy.
nobody's home yet.
. . .
great. i totally forgotten they are going to shut down electricity for one hour.
maybe i should sleep again.
. . .
woke up an hour ago. good thing light's on.
my mind was on paranormal activity the whole time. =S
they came home. housemates' here! phew.
a timelined friday.
having no school isn't a good thing after all.
thinking too much of irrelevant thoughts.
and it made me feel sick staying home all the time.